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May 31, 2024
By Lake Catholic

Caden Boyes (Lake Catholic Class of 2025) has been selected as one of 16 high school students from around the state for the 2024-2025 Ohio Student Safety Advisory Council. 

The 俄亥俄州学校安全中心 (OSSC)于5月30日星期四宣布了这一消息.

博伊斯说他填了这份职位申请表, 其中包括几个冗长的答案, more than a month ago. 这导致对OSSC成员进行了30分钟的虚拟采访. 他几乎没有听到他被选中的消息.

“他们把我的电子邮件打错了,少了一个字母,”他说. “所以,我没有收到那封邮件. Mr. (Tom) McKrill 把他收到的邮件发给我了.”

Although he said he believes he and his fellow students are safe at Lake Catholic and that they’re all taken good care of, 没有什么是完美的,总有方法可以改进.

“学校安全必须是第一位的. 这是我们今天的首要任务。. “So this is a big opportunity to learn more about it and bring ideas for upgrades, 无论是物理的还是程序上的, back to Lake Catholic.”

Governor Mike DeWine created the council in 2022 to help OSSC leadership identify school safety concerns and develop innovative solutions to address them. Students from last year’s council will present their capstone projects at the 2024 School Safety Summit this summer, 根据一份新闻稿.

“This year’s students took their capstone projects to new levels and got their peers more involved in the everyday safety activities at their schools,OSSC执行董事Emily Torok说. “Our alumni members quickly got the new council onboarded and they all supported each other in a student network to promote safety across the state. I encourage everyone to reach out to their local council members to learn about their projects and initiatives. 他们给人的印象非常深刻.”

The Council will be invited to attend the in-person Ohio School Safety Summit on July 31-Aug. 1 at the Columbus Convention Center to network with their peers and attend initial informational sessions on violence prevention strategies and emotional safety.

Council members will develop strategies to encourage their peers to actively engage in maintaining a safe school environment and will be advocates for students’ overall well-being. Students will work directly with OSSC school safety liaisons to organize events, focus groups, and trainings to help highlight student success and safety best practices at various schools. These members will also act as a sounding board for the Ohio School Safety Working Group and OSSC on student marketing campaigns and other projects to ensure that student voices are represented. 

Eight of the previous year’s Council members have agreed to return this upcoming year as mentors for the incoming council. They will continue to work on projects in their communities and act as force multipliers for school safety improvements.

德万州长于2019年创建了俄亥俄州学校安全中心. It is housed within the Ohio Department of Public Safety and works to assist local schools, 大专院校, 以及执法机构的防范, prepare for, 并对威胁和暴力行为做出回应, including self-harm, through a holistic, 以解决方案为基础的方法改善学校安全.


May 22, 2024
By Lake Catholic

The end of the school year marks the time for many different awards and honors to be bestowed upon students within clubs and teams, departments, 甚至是更大的学校.

At Tuesday’s Baccalaureate Mass and Senior Awards, Lake Catholic awarded senior Gianna Rubino 学校的最高荣誉——基督徒生活奖.

The pp电子 Christian Life Award is the most prestigious recognition presented by our school community.  这个奖项于1972年设立, a tradition was established to focus on the active expression of the Lake Catholic Mission Statement and Gospel values both within our school environment and in the greater community. Criteria for the pp电子 Christian Life Award are as follows:

  • The student is an extraordinary witness to the Gospel message and the Spirit of Jesus.
  • The student is a person of great integrity who dynamically lives his or her faith, both within the 湖天主教社区 and in the greater community at large. 
  • The student lives an exemplary life consistent with the Lake Catholic Mission Statement and Core Values.
  • The student actively expresses a willingness to serve within the Lake Catholic Campus Ministry and Spiritual Life areas, 湖天主教社区, Church Community, 以及 我们更大的社区.



  • 总统教育成就奖 Kyan Harrold, Domonic Orlando, Anthony Reynoso, Taylor Scharf, Olivia Switalski, Daniel Tomic, and Charlie Trinetti
  • 校长卓越教育奖 Jonathan Bokausek, Caroline Brown, Haley Horen, Garrett Knisely, Stephen Parrish, Zoe Pesek, Joseph Powaski, Luke Richards, Kathryn Ridler, and Chloe Stossel
  • Service Cord - Greg Bares, Mya Brannen, Kira Brennan, Makenna Bretz, Johnathan Bokausek, Caroline Brown, Kayla Calvey, Delaney Charlton, Juliana Conforte, Gianna Coreno, Parker DiCello, GiGi DiDomenico, Claire Duricky, Ryan Ginley, Kyan Harrold, Egypt Kamara, Tessa Koenig, Allison Komosa, Isabelle Langer, Theresa Lazanich, Joey Lonchar, Grace McCalligan, Katie Morgan, Cassie Nagy, Alexandra Newnes, Stephen Parrish, Andrew Pellecchia, Parker Pikor, Sutton Pikor, Meadow Pontius, Joseph Powaski, McKenzie Prosuch, Luke Richards, Kathryn Ridler, Gianna Rubino, Mia Schaefer, Taylor Scharf, Madeline Spies, Chloe Stossel, Josh Styles, Charlie Trinetti, Christopher Vanjo, Olivia Viskovic, and Kelly Ward
  • 快乐驼鹿/周一与马耳他奖学金- Parker Pikor
  • 约翰佩顿功勋奖 Christina Lombardo
  • OHSAA学者运动员 Zoe Pesek和Greg Bares
  • 勇敢的运动员奖- Mia Schaefer
  • OHSAA优秀奖 Stephen Parrish
  • OHSAA阿奇格里芬体育精神奖- 克莱尔·杜里基和卢克·斯奈德
  • 尼克·德安吉洛奖- Caroline Brown, Gianna Koenig, Josh Styles, Daniel Tomic, and Olivia Viskovic
  • 威洛比青年女子俱乐部奖 米娅·谢弗和查理·特里内蒂
  • 导师商会基金会奖学金- Mya Brannen和Madeline Spies
  • 红十字会奖学金 艾米丽·阿里夫和戴维·帕特里卡
  • 红衣主教信用社奖学金 Joey Lonchar, Greg Bares, Charlie Trinetti, Chloe Stossel, Jonathan Bokausek, Meadow Pontius, Andrew Pellecchia, Parker Pikor, and Dominic Orlando
  • P.E.O. 明星奖学金 Kayla Calvey
  • Phi Beta Kappa奖 Zoe Pesek
  • 学术荣誉文凭- Johnathan Bokausek, Caroline Brown, Kayla Calvey, Juliana Conforte, GiGi DiDomenico, Garrett Knisely, Tessa Koenig, Allison Komosa, Isabelle Langer, Theresa Lazanich, Grace McCalligan, Marko Odorcic, Domonic Orlando, Stephen Parrish, Zoe Pesek, Cooper Pikor, Parker Pikor, Joseph Powaski, Kate Powaski, Nicholas Powaski, Anthony Reynoso, Taylor Scharf, Chloe Stossel, Olivia Switalski, and Daniel Tomic
  • Art Honors Diploma - Kathryn Ridler
  • St. 托马斯·阿奎那 Ivan Blazevic, Caroline Brown, Juliana Conforte, Parker DiCello, Gigi DiDominico, Tyler Duricky, Ryan Ginley, Kyan Harrold, Tessa Koenig, Joey Lonchar, Dominic Orlando, Stephen Parrish, Hannah Pattie, Andrew Pellecchia, Zoe Pesek, Joe Powaski, Anthony Reynoso, Gianna Rubino, Jarred Smith, Josh Styles, Charlie Trinetti, Isaiah Tyree, Chloe Stossel, Oliva Switalski, Chris Vanjo, and Dani Villa
  • 基督教领袖认可- 克洛伊·斯托塞尔和多米尼克·奥兰多

More photos from the evening, including ones of all the winners, can be found on our Senior Awards page.


September 27, 2023
By Lake Catholic

湖天主教学生参加了领导力峰会, 由All Choice Matter和Team IBB提出, 本周早些时候在安德鲁斯奥斯本学院. 

代表湖天主教的是 Ariana Coyne, Layla Foradis, Raegan Kvoriak, Katie Morgan, Hannah Pattie, Kate Powaski, Kenzie Prosuch, Mia Schaefer, and Maddie Spies.

Those nine, and students from 11 other schools heard local leaders share stories of how they persevered in the face of adversity to become respected leaders people seek to follow. 

There were seven speakers, each with their own message, as part of the Summit. 

Dione DeMitro,执行董事 联合路湖县, 提醒大家“你的过去确实预示着你的未来。,以及“幸福始于感恩。,” but also reminded them to “Be of service to others and be at peace with yourself.”

Elizabeth Brassell她是比赛的亚军 Ms. Wheelchair Ohio, 指出“我们的缺点使我们独一无二,”“每一项成就都始于决定去尝试,改为“专注于你能做的事情。.”

Laura Gray的创始人和执行董事 iPride, said that everyone should “Be the leader in your life, and lead with your heart.”

Wendy Kunash, 专业发展教练, shared the simple message that everyone should “Share your thoughts and feelings; otherwise, people do not know.”

Karyssa Kestranek, who is a motivational speaker, also had a simple message, “Make good choices.”

Jimmy Mrozek, 安德鲁斯·奥斯本学院的教务长, 提醒每个人“你的行为方式会影响其他人。,” but also, 你应该感谢那些赋予你生命意义的人.”

Finally, Michael Hutter, 被称为EC3的职业摔跤手, 分享了一个真理:“领导力伴随着价值。, but can be a burden, cast doubt, cause fear, 是pp电子牺牲的,,而且“领导力是成长和改变的机会。.”

All Choices Matter is “a nonprofit established to connect youth to local leaders to take pressure off of teachers, engage parents, 帮助年轻人应对生活中的困难,网站上这样写道.

Team IBB 只是为了帮助别人取得更多成就. 正如其网站所述, “我们在生活中学到了很多pp电子失败的东西, success, and the importance of having a plan in place that is directly inline with your goals. We want to use our experience to help others do the same in any way we can.”


发现你自己,你的信仰,你的未来,你的目标. 成为雷克天主教家庭的一员.